7 Foods To Avoid When Breaking A Fast

Intermittent fasting has grown in popularity as an efficient method of losing weight and improving overall health. However, how you break your fast is critical to reaping the full benefits of intermittent fasting. In this blog post, we’ll go through 7 Foods To Avoid When Breaking A Fast your, as they can derail your progress and interfere with the physiological benefits of fasting.

7 Foods To Avoid When Breaking A Fast

7 Foods To Avoid When Breaking A Fast

The Importance of Protein in Breaking a Fast

Why Lean Proteins Are Essential: Protein is essential for healing and repair during a fasting period. Lean proteins, in particular, are advised because they deliver the necessary amino acids without being high in fat, which can be taxing on the digestive system after a fast. Proteins aid to stabilise blood sugar levels, prevent muscle loss, and promote satiety, which can help to avoid overeating after a fast

Examples of Lean Proteins to Consider:

  • Chicken breast is high in protein and low in fat, making it an excellent option for breaking a fast.
  • Turkey, like chicken, delivers high-quality protein with little fat.
  • Fish: Cod, tilapia, and flounder are wonderful choices because they are light on the stomach while high in protein.
  • Egg whites are an excellent source of pure protein without the additional lipids present in yolks.
  • Legumes: For vegetarians, beans and lentils are high in protein and, when prepared properly, mild on the digestive system.

High Glycemic Index Foods to Avoid

Understanding Glycemic Index and Its Impact: Avoiding certain foods and understanding the impact of glycemic index. The glycemic index (GI) assesses how rapidly foods elevate blood sugar levels after consumption. Foods having a high GI digest and absorb fast, resulting in a rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. This can be jarring for the system soon after the fast, causing swings in energy levels and mood, as well as increased fat storage.

Examples of high glycemic index foods to avoid:

  • White bread digests quickly and increases blood sugar levels.
  • Some morning cereals, particularly those heavy in sugar and processed carbohydrates.
  • Potatoes: Especially in processed forms such as fries and chips.
  • Sugary snacks include cookies, cakes, and other sweets, which have little nutritious value and cause quick sugar surges.

Nuts to limit: Almonds and Cashews

Why Some Nuts May Not Be Ideal Immediately After Fasting: While nuts are generally a healthy snack, almonds and cashews have a greater fat content and may be more difficult to digest immediately following a fast. Fats down the digestive process, and after fasting, your digestive tract may become more sensitive.

Furthermore, these nuts have a greater phytic acid content, which might bind minerals and impede absorption, perhaps causing intestinal pain when reintroducing food.


Potential Issues With Digesting Shellfish After Fasting: Shellfish, while nutritious and generally healthful, can cause stomach issues when reintroducing food after a fast. Shellfish are high in protein and other nutrients, but they might be difficult for some people to digest due to their unique protein structures and high purine content, which can cause an increase in uric acid production.

Shellfish may cause discomfort or worsen symptoms in people with sensitive stomachs or who are prone to digestive diseases such as gout if ingested quickly after a fast.

The Role of Fats: Caution with Saturated Fats

How Saturated Fats Affect Digestion After Fasting: Saturated fats, such as butter, cheese, and fatty cuts of meat, can be especially taxing on the digestive system when breaking a fast. Consuming a lot of saturated fats might slow down the stomach’s emptying process, leaving you feeling heavy and uncomfortable.

Furthermore, saturated fats can cause the gallbladder to release large amounts of bile acids, which can be overpowering and cause indigestion if the digestive system is not yet prepared to handle such a load following a fast.

Avoid Vegetables with High Insoluble Fibre

Which Vegetables to Skip, and Why: Vegetables strong in insoluble fibre, such as broccoli, cabbage, and leafy greens like kale, can produce bloating and gas when consumed immediately after a fast. Insoluble fibre bulks up stool and might cause fast bowel movements, which may be too much for a digestive tract that has been resting and not processing meals.

To assist the digestion process, it is generally recommended that these vegetables be reintroduced gradually and cooked rather than raw.

Risks of Combining Fats and Carbohydrates

Why Should You Avoid This Combination When Breaking a Fast? Combining high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods might be especially difficult when breaking a fast. This combination can significantly boost insulin levels, leading to increased fat storage. Following a fast, the body’s metabolic processes may become more sensitive to such variations.

Foods heavy in both fats and carbohydrates, such as pizza, pastries, and burgers, can cause rapid blood sugar spikes followed by rapid dips, resulting in exhaustion, irritation, and even cravings for more sugary or fatty foods. This can negate the benefits of the fast, resulting in pain and potential weight gain.


Breaking a fast wisely is essential for reaping the full benefits of intermittent fasting while ensuring your digestive system transitions smoothly back to normal eating habits. Being aware of what you eat during this vital period can have a huge impact on your overall experience and outcomes.

Foods that are difficult to digest or may induce rapid changes in blood sugar and digestion, such as shellfish, saturated fats, high insoluble fibre vegetables, and high fat/carbohydrate combos, should be avoided shortly after fasting. Instead, choose readily digestible, nutrient-dense foods that provide sustained energy and promote a gradual return to regular meals.

By carefully choosing what to eat after fasting, you can improve your digestive health, keep your energy levels consistent, and get the rewards of your fasting efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

u003cstrongu003eAre eggs OK to break a fast?u003c/strongu003e

Yes, eggs are excellent for breaking a fast, if you are following a keto diet. They are rich in protein and healthy fats, which provide sustained energy and help stabilize blood sugar levels. But lean protein is best if your goal is weight loss.

u003cstrongu003eIs yoghurt good to break a fast?u003c/strongu003e

Yes, yogurt is a good choice for breaking a fast. It’s gentle on the stomach, provides a good source of protein and probiotics, and can help restore gut health. Opt for plain, unsweetened varieties to avoid added sugars.

u003cstrongu003eIs cheese good to break a fast?u003c/strongu003e

Cheese can be included as part of a post-fast meal but in moderation. It provides protein and calcium but is also high in fat, so it’s best paired with other foods to balance digestion.

u003cstrongu003eWhat foods are good to break a fast?u003c/strongu003e

The best foods for breaking a fast are those that are easy to digest and nutrient-rich. These include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins like chicken or fish, broth-based soups, and whole grains. These foods help reintroduce food gently to your system and provide a balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

u003cstrongu003eAre fruits good to break a fast?u003c/strongu003e

Yes, fruits are good for breaking a fast as they provide essential vitamins and minerals and are hydrating. However, it’s best to start with low glycemic index fruits like berries or apples to avoid a rapid spike in blood sugar.

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